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Editing Your Loop
Updated over a week ago

With LoopGenius, editing Loops transforms this experience, allowing you to create personalized and effective email campaigns. This guide will explore the various elements of a Loop, their functionalities, and best practices to optimize your campaigns. Understanding the four core components – Blocks, Offers, Actions, and Wait Times – is essential to leveraging LoopGenius to its full potential.

Understanding the Core Components of a Loop


Blocks are the building blocks of your Loop. They represent different segments of your email campaign, each serving a specific purpose, whether it's introducing a product, offering a discount, or sharing valuable content.


Offer Campaigns are a set of blocks with the intent to sell an offer. They could range from promoting a new product line to nurturing leads with a free digital offer. Each campaign will contain 3 Blocks (Email, Offer, Email) tailored to guide your audience through a specific journey.


Actions are triggers based on recipient behavior. They allow you to customize follow-up emails and interactions. Here's a breakdown of the key Actions in LoopGenius:

  • Received: Targets anyone who has received the email, regardless of their interaction with it.

  • Opened: Focuses on individuals who opened the email, indicating initial interest.

  • Received without Opening: Aims at recipients who haven't opened the email, potentially signaling a need for a different approach or subject line.

  • Opened without Clicking: For those who opened but didn't engage further, suggesting the content or offer may not have been compelling enough.

Special Actions for Offer Campaigns:

  • Purchased: Triggers an email when a customer purchases through a LoopGenius offer, ideal for follow-up engagement or additional offers.

  • Clicked without Purchasing: Targets those who showed interest in an offer but didn't complete the purchase, allowing for re-engagement strategies.

Wait Times: These are crucial in determining the timing of your follow-up emails. They range from immediate responses to delays of 12 hours, 24 hours, 2 days, or 5 days. Selecting the appropriate wait time can significantly impact the effectiveness of your campaign.

Adding and Removing Loop Components

Whenever you see this symbol πŸ‘‰, this means you can add more blocks to your loop at this point. When you click on from an offer, it will create a branch.

This branch allows you to create logic that sends different emails to people depending on their action. Using this branching method, you can create a downsell offer as seen below in the new branch.

You are able to remove blocks wherever you see this symbol πŸ‘‰ .

⚠️ Be Careful ⚠️
This symbol can be found all over your loop.
It will remove any contents inside its shaded area.

Best Practices for Using Editable Loops

Segmentation is Key: Use Actions to segment your audience based on their interaction with your emails. Tailor your follow-up Blocks to address their specific behaviors and interests.

Timing Matters: Choose Wait Times strategically. Immediate follow-ups might work well for engaged customers, while longer wait times may be more effective for those less responsive.

Test and Refine: Continuously test different Blocks and Actions. Analyze the results to understand what resonates best with your audience.

Upsell and Downsell Smartly: Utilize the Special Actions for Offer Campaigns to create effective upsell or downsell strategies. After a purchase, offer related products or services. If a customer hesitates to buy, consider presenting a less expensive alternative.

Craft Compelling Content: The success of your Loop depends heavily on the content within each Block. Ensure it's engaging, relevant, and aligned with your campaign goals.

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